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Since Helix Data Innovation was founded in 2017, we have helped over 30 growth companies and several Russell Group universities to launch, grow and scale their businesses in health tech, deep tech and green tech. We have helped our clients to win over £7M in research and innovation funding, to deliver millions in equity investment, and to rapidly solve challenges faced by early-stage science-led companies.

Here is an overview of some of our projects and clients. We are always busy, but we would love to hear from you, so please get in touch if you would like us to help. 


Advising two leading universities on the spinout of a digital therapy for serious mental illness, developing a plan for market access, a five-year business plan and setting up an advisory board.

Helping PACES+, a smartphone app and clinical dashboard to support patients with ADHD, get their Class I UKCA mark documentation ready for launch.

Providing a rapid gap analysis to an AI-enabled telehealth company on their evidence generation plan.

Co-leading the STEADFAST project on data-driven research involving young people living with type 1 diabetes, alongside Diabetes UK, Cardiff University and community partners. 

Developing a strategy for digital therapeutics for the Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience, King’s College London, and providing a 6-month long programme of one-to-one support, workshops and mentoring for the King’s 20 Accelerator digital health pathway.

Advising an NLP and generative AI spinout from two universities on their deal structure, business plan, funding and routes to market.

Supporting the SAIS project (Secure AI Virtual Assistants) research project, a collaboration between King’s College London and Imperial College London, on industry engagement and impact, and producing the ‘Always Listening’ podcast series.

Developing a winning Innovate UK smart grant application for a research collaboration between System1 Group, an AIM-listed company which delivers AI-enabled solutions for digital advertising, and the University of Warwick (funded). 

Advising Biobeats, a wearable device and platform for monitoring of stress, on commercial strategy, research collaborations and grant funding. Acquired by Huma in August 2022. 

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